Monday, May 21, 2007

And the winner is . . .

So after much deliberation, we've decided on Sofia Marie Burt. Why? Well, first, I just have to have a name (I know . . . it's my obsessive-compulsive side coming out). But honestly, it has a lot of significance because Nate lived in Sofia, Bulgaria, for two years while he served his mission and it is the name of Nate's great-grandmother. Besides, as I kept thinking about it, Sofia is the name I kept coming back to . . . Yes, I ultimately decided because Nate didn't want to put any pressure on me. So this is my story, and I'm sticking to it!! :D


Mea Culpa said...

YAY! Michael will be so happy- he and I were discussing it. We both liked Sofia. :D The significance is excellent, too.

Miss Megan said...

It's a nice name. We like it!

Englishfam said...

Marie, I am the same way about names. I have to know what I am going to call them before they come or it drives me crazy. Sofia is very elegant and with all the fun meaning to it, how could you go wrong?!

Marie said...

Oh, yeah, and I forgot: It means "wisdom," so it's also got that going for it. :D