Friday, January 23, 2009

Roller Coasters

Yes, life has been a roller coaster the last little while, especially since Nate found out last week that there will be layoffs at IMFT. After the panic and agony of waiting, we both came to a place where we knew we would be fine either way . . . and then we had to wait some more. Thankfully, we are keeping the job (choruses of angels are singing "Allelujah!" in my head), but I have to say that this scare has given me some real perspective.

First of all, losing a job is not the worst thing in the world. Granted, I really feel for all the people who are looking for a job in this economy, but when I found out that one of my dear friends miscarried last week, it reminded me that there really are worse things that could happen.

Which leads me to the second thing I realized. I am sooo blessed. We have our health and we have each other and we have so many amazing friends and family. Thank you for all your prayers and your encouragement! I have rarely felt so loved by so many people, including so many people in our ward who have been checking on us and keeping us in their thoughts.

Third, it certainly has been a financial wakeup call. We have been doing really well getting ourselves out of debt ($17K paid off last year), and now we only owe on the car, but we still don't have much in the way of a financial reserve. I have also been doing well at couponing and trying to build up our food supply, but this reminded me yet again how important it is to store as much as we can.

Fourth, it reminded me how lucky I am to stay at home with the kids. There have been a few times lately, especially when the kids are screaming or crying at each other all day, that I have thought how lucky my friends who work are. Then as I started looking for work last week to see what our options were, I realized that I actually do want to be at home and that I serve a very valuable function in my family (not that I don't think stay-at-home moms are valuable; it's just sometimes we all need reminding of our own worth).

Thanks to everyone for your love and support!


Nate said...


Miss Megan said...

Is that a Disneyland roller coaster? It looks like one. Mike and I are glad that Nate still has a job as well...But more important we are glad to have such great friends in our lives!