Sunday, June 29, 2008

First harvest

Well, here are the first fruits (or vegetables) of my labor. Now, those of you who garden already know there is a problem with this story. I should have pulled my radishes three weeks ago (or more), and you could tell. As my dad put it, there was a lot of texture to them . . . And I should have left a lot more room between the seedlings because a lot of them were way too skinny to be any good.

However, I'm still pleased. They looked and smelled like radishes. :D And next year, I know what to do to make them actually edible.


Englishfam said...

I'm so impressed Marie! I have actually eaten some strawberries off of our plants that we planted last year, and it is such a fun feeling to know that you grew them yourself (with a little help from the water and sunshine)!

Nate said...

Even though they didn't turn out the way you wanted, I'm still very proud of you Marie. And with how much you're learning this year, next years Garden is going to be awesome.

I just need to put in my request for onions and corn nice and early. ;)

Allie said...

Hey Marie! Those are pretty fabulous looking radishes. My tomatoes are looking good, but green. I found your blog through your facebook page, hope you don't mind my spying. ;0)

Miss Megan said...

I think they look fabulous! How did they taste? I'm proud of you for working hard, doing your homework and going out of your comfort zone.