Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm grateful for . . .

Wednesday lunches with Jenny. Long car rides with Megan. Seeing plays again (I always pick more up the second time). Seeing really well from the cheap seats. Nate laughing out loud at Psych. Nate talking me out of being out-of-my-mind stressed. Child leashes that masquerade as little backpacks. Lessons from a milk jug (see Ensign July 2008). Sharing the bounty of my garden, like supersweet and crunchy grape tomatoes. Others sharing with me, like fresh lettuce and zucchini. Colored pencils (that won't melt in the car). Relatives that let us crash with them when we travel! Tortoises eating right out of Ryan's hand. Cruise control. Singing songs from Newsies at the top of my lungs. Waking Ned Devine. Taking vacations with Nate and the kids, even if we don't get to spend the whole time with Daddy.


NutMeg said...

Awww...I'm grateful for you too Marie! I FINALLY posted some reviews of the Shakespeare Festival on my Cupcake Chowder blog. Let me know what you think!

Unknown said...

Marie, you are so cute, I love these, I have mentioned this before, but I love the little glimpse into what your life has been like and what makes you happy