Thursday, March 29, 2007

Planet Earth

I don't often tout TV shows, but I have loved watching Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel (premieres are on Sundays). It took five years to film, and they filmed it in HD, which gives all the detail amazing clarity. And not only do you get to see the nature footage, but they also show how the film makers got the shots, the technology they developed, and the close calls they almost had. Nate's not a huge fan of nature documentaries, but even he has found things that are interesting.

There are so many things in this that make me appreciate how amazing the world is and how it contains so many more wonders than I could ever dream of. It's so hard to pick favorite moments, but I'll try. They spent a number of weeks over 3 years to capture the snow leopard on film. They couldn't find it, and then once they did, they couldn't go in for a year because the Marines were still coming the area for Osama bin Laden. Once they found it, though, they were able to film it hunting, something never before captured on camera. They showed part of the Kalahari Desert that floods every year and the mass migration of animals from hundreds of miles around: elephants, monkeys, giraffes, and others all wading through high water and flowing grasses. Besides the breathtaking photography, I have learned so much, and Ryan loves watching the animals (even if he calls them all dogs).


Englishfam said...

James is a total nature show junkie so he is in heaven watching Planet Earth! I am kindof like Nate,but have definitely found so many wonderful and interesting things about it. One of my favorite parts so far was the wild dog chase where they all worked together to cut the impala? off. Very cool. So glad to see you on blogger too by the way!! The fun begins!

Miss Megan said...

We have been enjoying this as well. I agree, the African plain flooding and all the animals migrating to it was incredible. I loved seeing those elephants swimming and splashing around (obviously enjoying themselves). We live in a beautiful world!